Study of the biotic potential of the parasitoid Encarsia sophia under controlled conditions [in French]


  • Ali Ben Belgacem
  • Mohamed Sadok Belkadhi



Bemisia tabaci, Nesidiocoris tenuis, Eretmocerus mundus, Encarsia sophia, parasitoids, biological control


Bemisia tabaci Gennedius (1889) is a phytophagous pest affecting various crops all over the world. Biological control against B. tabaci is based on the use of its natural enemies, especially parasitoids and predators. In this context, several parasitoid species of the genus Eretmocerus and Encarcia and predators (such as Nesidiocoris tenuis) whose effectiveness has been proven, are used in the control of this white fly.

The evaluation of the potentialities of the indigenous parasitoid Encarsia sophia has shown a performance in limiting the populations of B. tabaci in geothermal greenhouses in southern Tunisia. However at 25 ° C and relative humidity varying between 55 and 75%, the parasitism rate of E. sophia of B. tabaci larvae L2, L3 and L4 on eggplant culture is 14.72 ± 5.60%.

It is concluded that the use of this native enemy of B. tabaci can remedy the multiplication of this pest.


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How to Cite

Ben Belgacem , A., & Belkadhi, M. S. (2020). Study of the biotic potential of the parasitoid Encarsia sophia under controlled conditions [in French]. JOURNAL OF OASIS AGRICULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 2(1), 12–19.




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