Effects of Raméal Fragmented Wood (RFW) amendments on the physico-chemical characteristics of the oasis soil in Southern Tunisia
Amendement, BRF, Système oasien, SolAbstract
Increasing attention is being paid by farmers and extension services to soil amendment with small branches, especially as ramial fragment wood (RFW). This article presents the results concerning the effect of buried inputs of RFW on the soil oasis of Tozeur region in two different sites : El Manachie oasis of CRAAO oasis. The amendement with RFW has a positive effect on the physico-hydric properties of the soil (humidity, porosity structure), enhance the soil organic matter concentration, stimulates biological activity, and increases the availability of nutrients. The effects of RFW are modulated by several factors, such as dose, periodicity, size of fragments, etc.). But in the long term RFW can cause adverse effects on soil salinity if be used in an uncontrolled doses.
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